The Multipanel Hydrolock connection makes it possible to join two bathroom wall panels together without a mid-joint. Precisely engineered, Hydrolock edge details create a discreet and watertight joint for complete peace of mind. Recently improved to make installation even easier.
Technical Information
Hydrolock panels are supplied as standard with tongued and grooved edges for easy click-into-place installation
The accuracy of pattern alignment between panels may vary depending on the scale of the pattern
Hydrolock panels should be conditioned at normal room temperature for 48-72 hours prior to installation, particularly during cold spells
Bathroom wall panels should be fitted ‘grooved’ edge first, and the ‘tongued’ edge of the next panel angled in and pushed back until it snaps into place
A narrow bead of sealant must be applied to the shoulder of the ‘tongue’
Full fitting instructions should be read prior to installation
When manufacturing Hydrolock joints, 18mm is lost from the original panel width, e.g.
2400 x 598mm = 2400 x 580mm finished face size*
2400 x 900mm = 2400 x 882mm finished face size*
2400 x 1200mm = 2400 x 1182mm finished face size
*Not available in the Pure Collection